Omkaram Foundations Organation
Hello World This is Omkaram Foundation
N.G.O Omkaram Foundation which we started last 7 years back is organized in Telugu states
Bangalore / Hyderabad
Please read it once
Good Morning This is from Omkaram Foundation India
Telangana AndraPradesh States
Our organization name is Omkaram Foundation Bangalore-Hyderabad
From last 7 years
There are many types of poor, disabled, widows and old people
Food Facilities / Clothing Distribution / Health / Services /
We offer many other services.
We have not taken a single rupee donation from anyone.
We are selling small Ayurveda products due to everyone’s kindness..
We are running these service programs by setting aside some of the income from it.
Whatever you are for us..
We hope that you will participate in our services with the focus on what we are doing
Please visit our services